Nevada Firearms Coalition
ADAPT is proud to have been a member of the NVFAC, a membership organization designated by the National Rifle Association (NRA) as the State Association for Nevada.
For too long NV shooters have not had a presence in Carson City, or in our local cities and counties. We have relied heavily on the NRA-ILA. It is the objective of NVFAC to be there and promote positive laws for NV firearms owners, clubs and organizations. It is time for Nevada shooters to have a voice in gun rights and gun law discussions and decisions.
As well as being a former member and current supporter, Eric Loden was also the Fomer Director of NVFAC's Education and Training Division. Ask any ADAPT student and they will tell you we talk the talk, but more importantly than that, when it comes to second amendment advocacy and protecting our gun rights and freedoms, we also walk the walk. It is vitally important for ADAPT staff and close associates to support the NRA on a national level and NVFAC in our own backyard. Our immediate goals for NVFAC is to promote the coalition to all of our students, colleagues and the public; as well as to develop programs for women, youth and first time shooters.
If you are a firearms owner, you need to be a member of the NEVADA FIREARMS COALITION.
Don't wait, join today!
Former: Education and Training Division Director:
Eric Loden
Current Divisions and Board of Directors as of 07/21/2022
Don Turner, Former President
Greg Ferrante, President
Dave Talaga, First Vice President
Randy Mackie, Vice President Legislative Division
Megan Ferrante, Secretary
Steve Close, Treasurer
Don Phillips, Northwest Area Director
Debbie Giebel, Northeast Area Director
Douglas DiJulio, Southern Area Division Coordinator
Vacant, Communications Division Director
Vacant, Range & Retail Division Director
Paul Chaffee, Education & Training Division Director
Mark Manzo, Membership Director
Julius Fortuna, Conservation Division Director
Jeff Bryant, Competitions Director
Vacant, Fundraising Director