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Foundry: Shoot House 221016

Foundry: Shoot House 221016

View the videos from this event on our YouTube page, ACT Playlist.


  • Situational awareness: OODA Loop applied, Target identification, Threat assessment
  • Action vs. Reaction: Reactionary Gap, Balance of Speed and Accuracy
  • Critical decision making: Shoot vs. No Shoot, Proportional use of force
  • Communication: Verbal Challenge. Surrender ritual, Command and Control
  • Cover vs. Concealment: Understanding structures
  • Techniques applied equals tactics. Slicing the pie, fatal funnels, positions of tactical advantage
  • Planning and partner movement: Dedicated fields of fire and going with the flow

Time to put your thinking caps on... once the physical act of shooting moves from a cognitive process to a reflexive response, are you responding correctly and efficiently? If your "training" has only consisted of static marksmanship drills, now is the time to get off the line and break the square range mentality and challenge your mind, after all... it is the mind that controls the body.

We will be focusing on pistol, however if you have a rifle or shotgun that you want to work with bring it on out and we will discuss the contrasts that exist.

Recommended load-out:

  • Eye and hearing protection
  • Holster and magazines pouches
  • Pistol ammo 150-200 rounds

Location is detailed on on Facilities page, or by clicking this link. https://www.adaptacademy.com/liteweight-ranges/.

NO LIVE FIREARMS, KNIVES, BATONS, or Other weapons will be permitted in the designated safe training environment.

Equipment provided to the participants:

  • Eye Protection
  • Face mask
  • Throat guard
  • Gloves
  • Training firearms (Airsoft)
  • Airsoft ammo and additional magazines

Recommended optional clothing and additional protective gear:

  • Athletic supporter (Males)
  • Hard chest guard (Females)
  • Long sleeve shirt
  • Knee pads
  • Elbow pads

We hope to see you on the range soon. Have a great day. Stay safe. Train hard

  • Album created by Eric Loden
  • Updated
  • 35 images

35 images

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