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Utah Concealed Firearm Permit Course

These are the student materials pertaining to the Utah Concealed Firearms Permit Course.

2 files

  1. More information about "Utah Concealed Firearms Permit Application"


    Utah Concealed Firearms Permit Application

    This is the newly updated Utah Concealed Firearms Permit Application with revised fees as of 06/2018
    If you find any errors in this document please bring it to our attention immediately. Thank you



  2. More information about "Utah Concealed Firearms Permit Minimum Training Curriculum"


    Utah Concealed Firearms Permit Minimum Training Curriculum

    This is the minimum training curriculum that must be provided to all students of the Utah Concealed Firearms Permit Course.
    This version has been revised as of 07/31/2017, please assist us by checking the Utah BCI website for the most up to date revision, and alert us if our version needs to be updated.
    Thank you for choosing to train with ADAPT.
    Stay safe. Train hard. ADAPT <



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